Winter Days 2025

The winter days are soon here! The Church has a message to share with this world, specifically for these times. Jeremiah had a message, and they tried to silence him. It was inside him, shut up in his bones like a burning fire, and he could not remain silent, Jer. 20:9. Come hear and share this common vision with Pastor Thomas Schaller, Pastor Justin Schaller, and the rest of us in Pukinmäki on January 3-5, 2025.”


11:00 AM Brunch
01:00 PM Opening of the Winter Days with P. Schaller
02:00 PM Vision 2025
04:00 PM Coffee break
06:00 PM Evening session

10:30 AM Morning session
01:00 PM Lunch
03:00 PM Coffee break
05:00 PM Evening session
07:30 PM Rap session

11:00 AM Morning session
12:30 PM Missions lunch
02:00 PM Rap session


All are welcome to attend the Winter Days without prior registration. There is no registration fee. During the event, in the morning and evening sessions, we will collect voluntary offerings to cover the costs of the Winter Days.


The Winter Days will be held at the premises of the Helsinki Raamattu Puhuu Church in Pukinmäki. The address is Pukinmäenaukio 4B, 3rd floor.

The Winter Days are easily accessible by P, K and I trains and local buses. The church is located right next to the Pukinmäki train station. For public transport directions, check the website.

You can also arrive by car. There are a few parking spaces in front of the church building and additional parking is available at the Pukinmäki train park.


The church cafe is open at the times indicated in the schedule and after the Saturday evening and Sunday morning sessions. In addition to coffee and tea, sweet and savory snacks are available at the café.

On Saturday we will go out to eat at the LoKal Food restaurant in Pukinmäki, address Pukinmäenkaari 18. Lunch buffet is booked from 1 pm, price 19,90 euros. During lunch there will be a rap session with Pastor Schaller.

On Sunday, after the morning service, the church will host a Missions Lunch. There is no separate registration for this. Lunches will be sold while food lasts.


To ensure that we can organise the most successful Winter Days possible, and that no one is overburdened by too much work, we need volunteers to join the various teams. Use this volunteer form to join and tell us which team you would like to serve on. No one will be left alone, but the work will be done together and in appropriate portions.


There will be fun program for children during the morning and evening sessions.
The children’s program is organised by age group, for 3-6 year olds and 7-12 year olds. However, depending on the size of the groups, there may still be changes to the groups. Please register your children for the program using this form. Counselors may also use the same form.
For children under 2 and their parents, a play area is reserved next to the junior church room where morning and evening sessions can be seen on a TV screen.